Donations can be made by:
- Check (recommended) made out to ELCA FUND FOR LEADERS/CHAPLAINCY. In memo please write ACCOUNT E271994. This form of donation is recommended because you will be added to the growing list of contributors, receive a letter of thanks, and would hear from the Federal Chaplaincy Ministries team every now and then. Give the check at the door and we will mail it in for you!
- Cash at the door is always welcome.
- Online Giving via Grace Lutheran Church Upland Giving Page or the blue button below. You can always give directly to the ELCA Funds for Leaders Federal Chaplaincy Scholarship Endownment. However, we would not know the total funds contributed to this cause as the result of the benefit concert.
Please know that you do not have to attend to give to the cause!
If you make a donation to the ELCA Funds for Leaders Federal Chaplaincy Scholarship Endownment by Online Giving via Grace Lutheran Church or by placing a donation in the offering plate by Sunday, November 12th, your donation will be counted towards the total contributions from the benefit concert.
Give the gift of the ELCA Prayer Book of the Armed Forces published by Augsburg Publishing.
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