“I mean, brothers and sisters, the appointed time has grown short; from now on, let even those who have wives be as though they had none.” 1 Corinthians 7:29 Is […]
Special Music
Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult An oldie but goodie hymn. I have fond memories of singing this as a kid. Learn about why it was written (Fascinating!!) and then […]
The Occasional Theology of Doctors King and Luther
The sun shines brightly in Berkeley, California, but perhaps not as intense as it does in southern California. I stood outside of the chapel at the Episcopalian Seminary with the […]
Verbo de Dios 20 de enero de 2021
Soy una migaja, peso menos que un soplo; un pez de colores. Pero Dios es mi refugio y salvación. Hay que de despegar a lo que estamos atado y deja […]
Tercero Domingo después de Epifanía
24 de enero de 2021 10:00am Pastor Wesley Menke Acomponista: Tatiana Thibodeaux Lectora: Aurora Steuer Productor: Sergio Porto Editora: Teruni Evans Preludio Saludo En el nombre del Padre, y del […]
January 24th at 8:30am Third Sunday After Epiphany
Pastor Wesley Menke Accompanist: Tatiana Thibodeaux Producer: Chris Geach Director : Sergio Porto Editor: Teruni Evans [ * Denotes Standing as you are able] Prelude – Apostolic Greeting In the […]