Pastor Wesley Menke Acomponista: Tatiana Thibodeaux Lectora: Annelia Hernandez Productor: Sergio Porto Editora: Teruni Evans Preludio Bienvenido En el nombre del Padre, y del ☩ Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. […]
November 15th, 2020 8:30am 24th Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor Wesley Menke Accompanist: Tatiana Thibodeaux Producer: Sergio Porto Technical Engineer: Chris Geach Editor: Teruni Evans [ * Denotes Standing as you are able] Prelude – Gathering Welcome CONFESSION AND […]
Wake Awake for Night is Flying
Thank you Joisanne for creating this wonderful video and performing a song about the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids!
8 de Noviembre de 2020 10:00am
Pastor Wesley Menke Acomponista: Tatiana Thibodeaux Lectora: Annelia Hernandez Productor: Sergio Porto Editora: Teruni Evans Preludio Bienvenido En el nombre del Padre, y del ☩ Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. […]
November 8th, 2020 8:30am 23rd Sunday after Pentecost
Pastor Wesley Menke Accompanist: Tatiana Thibodeaux Producer: Sergio Porto Technical Engineer: Chris Geach Editor: Teruni Evans [ * Denotes Standing as you are able] Prelude – Gathering Welcome CONFESSION AND […]
1 de noviembre de 2020 10:00am
Pastor Wesley Menke Acomponista: Tatiana Thibodeaux Lectora: Aurora Steuer Productor: Sergio Porto Editora: Teruni Evans Preludio Bienvenido En el nombre del Padre, y del ☩ Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. […]