Yesterday all morning long I kept being asked the same question, “Dad are you going to help me make the bad guy Legos”? At first I said, “Yeah, whatever, daddy needs a cup of coffee first.” After coffee again I was asked, “Daddy when are you going to help me with my bad guy Legos?” Well, then I had to help with the dishes to unclog the kitchen so that breakfast could be made. Then there were more dishes, and a sermon to write. The child asked me again for the 972nd time, “Can you help me with my bad guy Legos”? What are bad guy Legos anyway? I looked at the box. The day before we had opened bag one and put together a police care and police officer. Now bag 2 had the getaway care, a safe with some money, and a bad guy who carried a crowbar for his weapon, or tool? The bad guy really looked bad too, he had a mean scowl on his face, his clothes looked kind of aggressive.
The problem with bad guys, isn’t just that they exist, but how many there are. It’s a sad fact that almost anyone, under certain circumstances, might buckle and do really bad things. It is the human condition. And it is this condition for which God sent a savior in Jesus Christ whose birth and salvation we celebrate. How exactly does Jesus save us? There are many theories of atonement; and blessedly none are deemed to be the only correct way. In other words there are many different theories of atonement. One such theory is the Moral Influence theory.
Moral Influence Theory suggests that Jesus shows how to live justly, and influences us to do so. The emphasis on the crucifixion in this theory is that Jesus non-violently resists the evil in the world. He shows how we should resist it too. What Would Jesus Do? That is a question at the heart of Moral Influence Theory. A saved person who does and Jesus would do.
The epistle reading from Galatians conveys a Moral Influence theory of salvation. Paul says that at first we are like children being raised by a guardian. The guardian teaches us right from wrong according to the law. Jesus when he was born on Christmas and grew up as a child and into an adult showed us the way to live under the law. But long term we grow up to have the law written on our hearts. We naturally align with God’s intention for creation. We don’t worry so much about the laws or rules, but we follow God with joy!
The grace of God changes people’s hearts and makes them better people. But some people aren’t told the good news about God. They are more at risk of going down a path that leads to bad behavior. Furthermore, what does it mean if less and less people practice religion? What does it mean if Lutheran have a hard time growing? What does it mean for our future, and what does it mean for the future of civilization?
There are three things that evangelicals do:
- Experience salvation
Simeon the prophet is an example of what it means to be an evangelical. He was at the temple, like he was almost every day. A stirring in his heart and a whisper in his mind told him to approach a family that was presenting their child to God in a religious ritual. When he saw the child his heart filled with joy and he was overcome by emotion. He was so moved by this religious and spiritual experience that he took the child and blessed. He had a personal encounter. The evangelical experience of Christian faith is one that is marked by having a personal experience of accepting, seeing, or experiencing Jesus in a real way. John Wesley called it a warming of the heart. For many traditional Lutherans this experience happens during Holy Communion where you actually receive Christ.
- Personal Testimony
The prophetess Anna is an example of evangelical Christian faith as well. She openly shares about her faith with others. Actually it’s more like she would talk to anyone who would listen. Word of mouth is the way that news of Jesus spread, and someone like Anna was very important to getting the word out. Being evangelical, and telling people about Jesus doesn’t have to be dramatic or in your face. It just means telling your story. Your experience which is unique from everyone else’s.
- Performing Everything according to the law
Evangelical Christians are concerned about the difference between right and wrong. They strive to do what is right. There is vigorous and robust debate and disagreement on some areas of what it means to live a holy and righteous life. But evangelical type Christians have in common is a desire to follow God’s law. To do what is right and just in God’s eyes. Mary and Joseph take the time to bring their child to the Temple, to study God’s word, and to participate in religious tradition. Evangelical Lutherans do the same things, we try to live and teach our children to follow God’s laws.
The truth is that all three of these things can be hard for people to do. I would go further to say that these things are impossible for anyone to do, on their own. But with God all things are possible. In fact the Holy Spirit guides us, influences us, gently nudges us, and occasionally knocks us upside the head. Jesus does this for us too.
St. Paul writes in the letter to the Galatians that Jesus came at just the right time to lead us into lives of holiness. While we are still learning how to have faith in God the law is a disciplinarian giving us guidelines for what is right and what is wrong. Eventually faith in God guides us from our heart so that we freely serve in God. Jesus gently leads us.
In the fullness of time we will be transformed by God’s salvation. This time of year the surfing beaches can get a little bit crowded. Regular surfers might be known to giggle at people who are out trying to surf for the first time. They call it the Christmas paddle. It’s a general term used all year long for someone who sits way back on their board and paddles out in a not so natural way. The term is used because people who get a surfboard for Christmas will be out their paddling funny at first. But that’s how most people start. Over the course of time the grace of God’s ocean, the waves, the wind, the sun, the water, all of it come together so that beautiful surfing happen. People appear to walk on water with movement and grace. An evangelical Christian is one who is moved by God’s grace, and others want to be like them! So be an Evangelical!
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