Sermon 2022.02.06 Rev. Wesley Menke 5th Sun After Epiphany Why do we work? Well, one reason is to make money to buy the things that are needed to live and […]
Lutheran understand the Bible and the Word of God as Law and Gospel. Gospel gives comfort and hope. The law confronts injustice and points toward a better world. You can […]
The story of the wedding at Cana is very interesting. It comes to us from the Gospel of John, and in John’s Gospel there are few to no parables. Parables […]
Pastores María Santa Cruz, Ramon Zarate, Wesley Menke y Sra. Josefina Ramirez discuten la Transfiguración de Jesús según San Lucas 9. Jesús invita a sus discípulos hacer la gran tarea […]
Bienvenidos al Obispo Andy Taylor, Pastores Maria, Nathan, Wesley, y Sra. Josefina! Estudiamos la ensañanza de Jesús en el plano después de bajar la montaña: “The Beatitudes.”