15 July 2021 Mary, Mother of Our Lord I’m baaack! Vacation was awesome. Thank you for the privilege of being able to have one. But you know what? Vacation isn’t […]
11 July 2021 Lectionary 15, Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Year B APOSTLES’ CREED With the whole church, let us confess our faith. I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator […]
Lectionary 14, Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B Our Father, who art in heaven [love] Hallowed be your name [faith and works] Thy kingdom come [Holy Spirit] Thy will be […]
One God, no idols God’s name is sacred use it for prayer and praise The sabbath is sacred, rest and worship God Honor mother and father, parents, and children we […]
Once upon a time there was a person who was caught in a storm. They couldn’t leave their house even though there was a mandatory evacuation order. They prayed to […]